Tuesday, February 10, 2009


1. They are trying to reach out to the dead in a University of Arizona lab.
2. Gary Schwartz is a psychology professor at the University of Arizona.
3. Schwartz have a data to show people can communicate with the dead.
4. John Edwards (of Crossing Water) was tested in the Afterlife Experiment.
5. Allison DuBois is also part of the their research called Asking Question Study.
1. Are there angels?
2. Do afterlives eat?
3. Does it mean in the afterlife, people still behave like normal humans?
4. He keeps switching universities, does that mean all universities in America study the afterlife?3-Vocab
1. Robust - strong and healthy
2. Dateline - a line giving the place or origin and usually the date of a news dispatch
3. Discarnate - without a physical body
2-Literary Term
1. "...showing up in a double-breasted suit, with a white Jaguar parked in the lot..." [imagery]
2. "...a stout woman with gray hair..." [imagery]
1-Overview:Finding out more about the afterlife at the University of Arizona by asking questions.


1. Winter is the most quiet season, and summer is most when everybodu goes out to have fun, its very civalized.
2. Woodhull moved to Amos Underhill's house to do most of the spying.
3. Intellegence of privateer-building activity was going to be in some anxiety.
4. Americans bought 3,100 vessals from merchants to fight against the British.
5.Woodhull wrote to Washington a full 7 pages report about what was happening and will be returning.
1. Is 3,100 vessals really enough agaisnt the British?
2. How come so far in the book, there isn't any names of women mentioned?
3. Were all spies men back then?
4. Was there even any women living in the American colonies?
1. Regiments - military ground troops
2. Reluctance - unwillingness
3. Countenance - calm facial expression
2-Literary Terms-
1."....bought in 3,100 merchant vessals..." - Foreshadow
2. They ready to go agains the British.- "...Roe bought it from Woodhull..." - Irony - He should be spying and not selling things.
1-OverviewThe Americans were getting all the supplies they need to get ready.


1. They started hunting the souls with microscopes and scalpels.
2. Took man 6,000 years to figure out how life started.
3. They didn't know about life because they couldn't see specifics.
4. In 1675, Leeuwenhock discovered the life of bacteria and protozoa.
5. Harvey was atonished to find out how life of a dear began.
1. What is Chamberlain of the Council-Chamber of Worship Sherifts of Delt?
2. Did he find animacules?
3. What is the material of human soul?
4. If the souls would arrive in conceptiors, what would happen then?
1. Globules - a small spherical mass
2. Minted - to produce (money) by stamping metal; coins
3. Rennet - a lining membrane on the fourth stomach2
2 Literary Term
1. "...some with tails straight look like hat pins..." [simile]
2. "the luz is shaped like a chickpea" [simile]
1-Overview:This chapter is about discovering how life began.